Friday, July 27, 2007


And then the muse swung weirdly the other way... I had to do some caricature stuff again. Here is Hilary Clinton. Interestingly, the way her neck runs down to the shoulders did lots to capture her likeness, usually that's not very important. Maybe because she has a short neck...

Revisited painting...

I did this one about three months ago, I finally have it at a point that I am reasonably happy with it... It's based on a book cover we did in 1993 called 'Insident van Stilte' -'Incident of Silence'. I always loved the idea but never felt we did the image justice, so I used my new bag of tricks to try it again, with much better results.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

...and there it is...

Like I said in the previous post, there are many versions of this landscape. This is now the prefered version. It feels colder somehow. I also pushed back the horizon further, makes it all feel nicely isolated. I'll leave up the previous one for comparison. I suspect this one will change soon too...

At it again...

Still plugging away at it. I've wanted to do a 'snow-scape' for a while now, and finally found some time to work on it. Took about a hour and half, there are many versions of this one. This is the one I like today... can change anytime. I was happy that I got a chance to use refrence photo's from my trip to Vienna in this one... love the place.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

And since the spirit was upon me...

The HOG with devine carpal tunnel creating the universe and Steve the Rat, whom we re-made to be the Million Dollar Rat... acts of random cruelty, both

Needed a hand...

This was begun about two years ago for a illustration assignment that got cancelled. I always wanted to finish it off and finally I got it done. Ah the joys of Photoshop. I am happy the tricky bits are not visible, but as always there are things that want to be fixed.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

New new way to waste time...

This is one of my concept pieces for an idea I am playing with. Many happy hours wasted on these... Photoshop with some paint -the digital kind- here and there. Fun!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

In the PINK!

Here are two Pinks, the initial drawing and a much more rendered painted version...

Monday, July 2, 2007

Bono and Waits

I did these a while ago. Kept tweaking them, but I think they are done now...maybe...